Duvalay Mattress Topper

Our caravan is our home-from-home, so being able to get a comfortable night's sleep is extremely important - especially after a long day of exploring.

I think we can all agree that whether you use your leisure vehicle to get away and relax, or seek adventure, getting a good nights sleep is key to the enjoyment of your trip. Without it, things don’t usually go to plan; people get tired, which can impact both your physical and mental health, and you might not have the energy to do the things you had planned.

So when one of the first things we bought for our caravan was a memory foam mattress topper, it was hardly a surprise!

We came across Duvalay back in 2017, on our second ever caravan trip, when we were visiting the Caravan and Motorhome Show at the Birmingham NEC. Although we had only spent a handful of nights in it at the time, we both knew that our standard caravan bed was too firm for us, and I especially was already waking up with aches and pains. With our evergrowing list of places we wanted to visit, we knew that we’d be spending a lot of time in the caravan, so we were keen to look at the alternatives - One of which was Duvalay.

Who are Duvalay?

Duvalay are a company who specialise in creating lightweight but comfortable memory-foam mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags and mattress toppers for caravans, motorhomes, boats and homes. They offer off-the-shelf sizes as well as custom-made designs, which is why they’re ideal for leisure vehicles. If you have ever slept in a caravan or motorhome you’ll know that the beds are generally not the same shape or size as a standard bed, so it’s not too easy if you want to replace the manufacturer-fitted mattress. Duvalay can make you a mattress or mattress topper to fit whatever dimensions you need it to - Even our caravans “French Bed” with the corner cut-out.

Which One Did We Opt For?

Duvalay make a wide range of products, but we opted for a custom-sized mattress topper made from their “gold” memory foam. We were torn between getting a full mattress or just the topper, but we had just had the big expense of buying our caravan and everything that goes with it, so decided to save the pennies and go with the topper. This turned out to be more than enough!

Our Verdict

We’ve been using our mattress topper for over 3 years at the time of writing this, and it’s still as comfortable as the day we bought it. It doesn’t dip or sag on the side that the heavier person sleeps (ahem, Stephen), and it bounces right back into shape when we get up.

As someone with a physical disability, I don’t move around in my sleep. Once I’m in position, I generally stay there until the morning, so having a comfortable mattress is essential for ensuring I sleep through the night, and it eliminates the risk of aches, pains and pressure sores. We both completely agree (and people often don’t believe us when we say this) that our caravan bed is comfier than our bed at home. As silly as it sounds, in the run up to a trip, just sleeping in our caravan bed is one of the things we look forward to the most!

It was one of our first caravan purchases, and definitely one of the best!

Where Can You Buy Duvalay Bedding?

You can buy it directly through their website by clicking here. Or you can find your nearest store that stocks them by clicking here.

The memory-foam sleeping bags are also available on Amazon, to view one click here.


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