Adventure Kit
Qualkem Cassette Toilet Chemicals
After using them for a solid year, here’s how we got on with Qualkem’s cassette toilet chemicals.
Stove-Top Coffee Maker - Moka Pot
According to Stephen, there is no better taste than a freshly brewed coffee. He uses his Moka Pot for this numerous times every day, whether we are at home or on the road!
Mobile Mains Power Unit
So this might seem like a bit of a strange item to be carrying around in our caravan, but bear with us while we explain!
Electrical Cable Reel
Our electric cable reel is one of the simplest, most inexpensive, lightweight and useful caravan accessories that we own - Here’s why…
3-in-1 Rechargeable Bug Zapper, Torch and Lantern
Find out what we like and what we don't like about this 3-in-1 USB bug zapper.